1. Introduction
  2. Theme Installation
  3. Theme Plugins
  4. Theme Options Panel
  5. Import Demo Content
  6. Theme Color Settings
  7. Theme Menu & Front Page Settings
  8. Evatheme Bilder Elements
  9. Home Page Setup
  10. Blog Page Setup
  11. Portfolio Page Setup
  12. Contact Form 7 Settings
  13. Footer Editing

Liner Documentation

WordPress Business MultiPurpose Theme

Thank you for purchasing our theme. It has an understandable documentation that is easy to setup. If you still have some questions that you could not find in this help file, please contact us. You can also follow us for our future themes, that you could be interested in. Thank you very much!

Theme Installation

There are several ways to install wp themes, we prefer using FTP but you may choose any other ways. Please read more about theme installation on the official website at http://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Themes

If you choose to use ftp, do the following:
Note, "Liner" contains built-in Evatheme Page Builder. You don't need to install the plugin. It will be activated automatically on the pages and posts sections after theme installation.

Theme Plugins

In Liner Theme plug-ins Contact Form 7 and Really Simple CAPTCHA are used. You may download them using the links contact-form-7, really simple captcha

Theme Options Panel Overview

This theme comes with its own theme options panel. You can manage general theme settings panel. Let's review it:

Import Demo Content

It is very simple.

If you are using the theme to build a new website which does not have any content yet, we strongly recommend to use the demo content files. This theme includes XML and settings data files which will allow you to upload the demo content to your website. The structure is the same as in the Live Demo Preview. (images are excluded)

You need to import Theme Option Settings for Admin Panel. For this you need to - open the settings.txt file located in archive - copy the code and paste it in the Transfer Theme Options data field, click Import Options and Save All Changes. If you perform the import correctly you should receive a confirmation message.

Next step is to import the import.xml data

Note: Do not forget to checkmark the "Download and Import File Attachments" option in order to import images too.

Theme Color Settings

You can easily change the colors of the main elements like links theme color, background color, header background color, footer widget area background color. Please review the Colors and Styling section in your Theme Options Panel. Also you have the possibility to change the color in some separate elements from Evatheme Builder.

Evatheme Page Builder Elements Overview

This WordPress theme comes with the built-in Evatheme Page Builder section, which allows you to create custom page layouts with ease.

Here is the full list of available modules:

Home Page Setup

Here is the explanation on how to setup your home page:

Blog Page Setup

Please go to Settings => Reading => Front page displays -> Posts page (select below) set the page for the front page and save changes.

Portfolio Page Setup

To create a portfolio page on your site, please follow the steps below:

Contact Form 7 Plugin Settings

There are several ways to install WordPress plugin, we suggest to use FTP but you can choose any other ways.
Please read more about plugin installation on the official website at http://codex.wordpress.org/Managing_Plugins

The first thing you need to do is to create a contact form. Please go to the Contact plugin section. You can see it in the main WordPress menu.

If you want to get the form titles appear inside the contact form fields follow the instructions:

Code of contact form from the page "Contacts"

<div class="clearfix">[text* your-name placeholder "Name"]
[email* your-email placeholder "E-mail"][textarea your-message placeholder "Enter Your Message"]
[captchar captcha-40 placeholder "Enter Code"][captchac captcha-40 size:l][submit "Send Message"]</div>

When the form is created, you need to follow these steps to add the contact form to the page